You have been hired by a large firm, as part of their hiring process you have to passing cannabis THC testing. There is no legal requirement for many private employers to test for cannabis or alcohol. In several industries, applicants and employees in certain positions are required to test for drugs. Such sectors include transportation, defense, transportation and aviation.
The laws on drug testing varies from state to state. There are restrictions in some states when and how to perform drug screening. If you are uncertain as to what a drug test your company might be allowed to perform. Check with your local sate office as to the law.
How long does Cannabis Stay in Your System?
Your particular genetics and routines will influence the amount of time that cannabis lasts in your system. Cannabis in fluids like urine and saliva can be detected usually from 1-30 days after the last use, but everyone is different.
Your particular genetics and routine marijuana use will influence the amount of time that cannabis lasts in your system. Cannabis in fluids like urine and saliva can be detected usually from 1-30 days after the last use, but everyone is different.
Cannabis can be detected for everyday users for many months after last use. The detection times that have been recorded in some cases are over 90 days. Passing Cannabis THC testing is not a overnight or 2 day process.
As mentioned earlier how long cannabis stays in your body depends on many factors. One of which is your body mass index (BMI). Which depends entirely on how your body processes and metabolises the drugs in your body.
High THC cannabis strains will remain longer in your system. Edibles also remain in your system longer compared to cannabis that is smoked.
Tips That Might Help
Liquid Intake
One technique is to boost your fluid intake and urinary flow in order to dilute the cannabis concentrations. By doing this it might bring the sample below the detection threshold. Even by drinking a lot of liquids even for several days in advance, it has not been proven that this method is useful.
If you haven’t been smoking too much marijuana, a good washout might work a few days before a test. But frequent smokers will certainly require at least a week or two.
Over the Counter Drugs & Detox Drinks
Some users believe that taking certain over the counter product will be foiled. This method can only be used as a final choice since any drug can be identified chemically if laboratories wish to do so. A few, but not necessarily all such medications, will give negative effects on the widely used EMIT test.
Detox cleansers, come in a variety of high-priced brands and have no clear medical or scientific benefit. While some users review that they had remarkable results, many others do not.
Research results indicate that it’s more likely the water dilution that is effective, not the screen itself.
The Best Way to Passing a Cannabis THC Testing
There is no foolproof method of eliminating THC out of your system quickly and easily. Research indicates that the best method could be slightly accelerated via the methods discussed.
The best way to pass a cannabis test is to stop taking marijuana. In the weeks prior to the exam, don’t take drugs. If you are aware that you need to take a drug test. In the weeks (not days) prior to your exam do not use any drugs.
Many clinics do offer free urine testing as well there are home kits that are also sold online or at pharmacies. Keep in mind when performing your own test at home urine levels do fluctuate throughout the day. Therefore, it’s advisable to take it 2-3 times during the day to get a more accurate reading.