What is THC? How does THC work?

THC or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) is one of the many chemical compounds known as cannabinoids inside the cannabis plant and it is the main chemical that causes the psychological effects of marijuana once it’s consumed.

The THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in our brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. Endocannabinoid system is involved in a variety of our physiological processes including managing pain, appetite, mood, and memory.

Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout our bodies and are part of the Endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoid receptors are activated by a neurotransmitter called anandamide. Anandamide is a cannabinoid made by our bodies. The THC binds with our cannabinoid receptors and mimics the actions of anandamide, which is what causes the adverse effects on your mind and body.

When a person consumes marijuana, THC floods the endocannabinoid system, quickly attaching to cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and body. This interferes with the ability of natural cannabinoids to communicate between neurons, which can throw the entire system off balance.
